Sunday, November 4, 2012

Persian zucchini Meatballs (Koofteh Kadoo)

You Need:
2 Pounds of lean ground beef
3 zucchinis
1 can of tiny diced tomatoes
1 medium size onion chopped
1 tablespoon of salt
1 teaspoon of black pepper
1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder (or nutmeg)
2 cloves of garlic graded or finely chopped
1 tablespoon of dried savory leaves
2 tablespoon of olive oil
How to make it
Grade the zucchinis and saute in the olive oil until golden and soft. Set aside and let it cool down to room temtrature. drain access water before adding to the oil
In a bowl put the ground beef and add salt, pepper, cinnamon, garlic and the chopped onions
Add the zucchini to the mixture and mix well by hand
Make small balls as big as a ping-pong ball
Preheat the oven on 350f and put the meatball there and bake for 12-15 minutes until firm and browned
In a pot or deep pan pour in the can of tomatoes adding the savory leaves with a cup of water and cook on medium low heat for 5-10 minutes until tomatoes get consistency and loose the water in them
Take the meatballs out and after draining the access oil, place one by one in the tomato sauce that you made in the pan or pot
Let the meatballs cook in the sauce for 8-10 minutes(add water if the sauce is too thick)

Serve with plain rice or pasta
 have it as a meatball soup with crusty/toasted bread


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